Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How do i get a picture up from an email where a red cross is present?

you could try RIGHT-clicking the picture (right mouse button instead of left) and then choose "save as" and save it to your desktop or other folder... alternatively, you could RIGHT-click it and copy the URL and then enter that URL in your browser... BE CAREFUL OF VIRUSES AND SUCH!!!!!
How do i get a picture up from an email where a red cross is present?
unfortunately he/she has to sent it again to you! it was not attached properly
Reply:Just like mine! Your email platform do not support HTML format!

Good Luck!
Reply:You don't. The icon you are seeing means that there is no picture there.
Reply:You can't it means that the picture/link to the picture is missing/removed.

Ask whoever sent it to resend the picture in a new email
Reply:I have had similar experience in Internet Explorer. But when I try to open the picture in Firefox or Netscape, there is no problem!

You might wish to try to open it, using another browser.
Reply:Temporarily unblock your pop-ups. Click again - PICTURE !!! (Works for me anyway!)
Reply:You don't. The red cross means "bad link" - which means there is no image. Can't get something which isn't there!

Reply:you can try right click and "show picture " but often it means that the picture is not actually there to show ...

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